Garbage Disposal Repair

Your home’s garbage disposal is a helpful alternative for those who aren’t able to compost. A garbage disposal is a fast and clean method to remove various types of food waste. A garbage disposal system works by grinding scraps of food into very small pieces so they flow through the water waste system instead of a landfill. So, what happens when your home’s garbage disposal is not working and needs repairs? Don’t worry, Bell Brothers Heating and Air Conditioning can help.

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Our crew not only offers heating and air conditioning services, but plumbing services as well. Included is garbage disposal repair. Bell Brothers is here to help you understand the signs of garbage disposal trouble. You’ll be able to protect your garbage disposal better and if garbage disposal maintenance is ever needed, you know who to reach out to. 

Signs Your Garbage Disposal Needs Repair

While the garbage disposal can be loud while it’s on, the unit itself is rarely a component the eye can see. That’s why it may be hard to tell when something is wrong. But, if any of these indicators start to manifest, it means your garbage disposal needs repairs.


One of the signs to keep an ear out for is unusual noises coming from your garbage disposal. Noises like humming, whirring, rattling, loud grinding, or squealing likely mean your garbage disposal needs repair. 

Humming or whirring usually indicates jammed impellers or a malfunctioning flywheel. Rattling or loud grinding could be a foreign object kicking around or a loose impeller. When the garbage disposal squeals, it might mean the motor is failing.


If your garbage disposal keeps resetting, it’s most likely being overworked. Also, if resetting the garbage disposal doesn’t fix the issue, it’s a clear sign something is wrong.


Clogged Garbage Disposal

Another indication it might be time for a garbage disposal repair is constant clogging. Clogs happen when:

  • Incorrect food is put in the disposal 
  • Too much food is put in the disposal at once 
  • Non-food objects are put down the disposal 

If the garbage disposal works, but the water does not drain, you probably have a clog. Clogs in your pipes can cause pipe bursts, so make sure you call a plumber before the issue worsens.


Have you noticed a foul smell coming from your garbage disposal? That smell usually indicates the presence of rotting or decaying food stuck near the blades or in the drainpipes. There are common DIY fixes to eliminate this issue, but those solutions aren’t guaranteed to work. Turn to Bell Brothers when issues like this arise.


Has a leak sprung up underneath where your garbage disposal is located? Leaks can be caused by a range of issues, including the following:

  • Worn or damaged seals
  • Cracked housing 
  • Loose or improperly installed connections
  • Corrosion 
  • Impeller or blade damage

If you find water under your sink, then the connections between the pipes and your garbage disposal may be loose. If the pipes aren’t loose, you might need a new gasket. All of these call for garbage disposal repair; trust Bell Brothers to provide the most effective solution.

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Foods That Can Ruin Your Garbage Disposal 

Having the luxury of a garbage disposal at your home isn’t all flowers and sunshine, it comes with a certain responsibility. Keep your garbage disposal working its best and avoid putting these foods down it:


Never put bones down your garbage disposal. Bones are particularly difficult to ground, and even if they are, they can still sit at the bottom of pipes and cause blockages. Bones can also damage the blades.


Celery should never go down a garbage disposal due to its stringy nature. When ground up, celery can wrap around the disposal’s blades and cause damage. This, of course, leads to repairs. 

Banana and Potato Peels

Peels from bananas and potatoes are extremely hard to grind. Since banana and potato peels are so difficult to grind, they often cause blockages.

Pasta and Rice 

Starchy foods like pasta and rice are also a grouping of foods that shouldn’t be put down a garbage disposal. Scraps of pasta and rice commonly cause blockages and clogging. 

Garbage Disposal Repair Services

Is your home’s garbage disposal in need of repairs? Bell Brothers has the expert garbage disposal repair services you need. Contact Bell Brothers today for safe and effective garbage disposal repairs and all of your other plumbing needs. 

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